Sir John Kirwan talks Contact Centre Agent Wellbeing, Performance & Groov on ‘Get Out of Wrap’ podcast with Martin Teasdale

Martin Teasdale is a legend in the contact centre industry, known for his role as the creator and host of the "Get Out of Wrap" platform, including podcasts, LinkedIn Live sessions, and contact centre chats that combine fun and insight.

With over 25 years of experience, his work primarily revolves around enhancing community and engagement within the contact centre world, highlighted by his initiative in founding the Team Leader Community—an exclusive network aimed at empowering contact centre leaders through coaching, training, and various resources to excel in their roles.

Teasdale's extensive background includes significant positions, such as Senior Director Quality Experience at BPA Quality UK and various leadership roles that have solidified his reputation as a key influencer and thought leader in improving the standards and practices within the contact centre environment.

He sat down to have a chat with Sir John Kirwan on his story and being a global mental health advocate, and how the Groov platform can seriously help lift engagement, performance and retention in call centres. Take a listen below and here are the key takeaways!

Your Key Takeaways

In this episode of "Get Out of Wrap," Sir John Kirwan shares his transformative journey and the inception of Groov, a workplace science platform dedicated to lifting people and performance, particularly in high-pressure environments like call centres. Kirwan's personal battle with depression and his subsequent mission to advocate for preventative mental health shines a light on the silent struggles many face and the path to overcoming them.

The Turning Point: Kirwan's candid recount of his darkest moments and the life-saving intervention by a teammate in Buenos Aires is both heart-wrenching and inspiring. "I always look left because I was in a hotel room in Buenos Aires on an All Blacks tour... and I wanted to run and jump out," Kirwan reflects, highlighting the often invisible battle against mental health challenges.

Embracing Mental Health as an Illness: Through his struggle, Kirwan learned to view mental health as an illness, not a weakness. "It's an illness... and you get better from it," he realised, marking a pivotal moment in his journey towards healing and advocacy. This realisation underscores the importance of destigmatizing mental health issues and promoting a culture of support and understanding.

Groov: A Preventative Approach: Kirwan's passion for preventative mental health led to the co-founding of Groov, a workplace science platform designed to evidence-based, data-driven support to help employees feel good and function better, especially in high emotional labour environments like contact centres. "Groov is perfectly positioned to help those people in contact centres," Kirwan states, recognising the unique stresses faced by those in the industry and the need for strategies that occur in the natural flow of their workday.

Six Pillars of Wellbeing: The "Six Pillars of Wellbeing" - Chill, Do, Connect, Move, Celebrate, and Enjoy - form the core that underpins Groov's approach, offering individuals a framework to manage their mental wellbeing proactively. Kirwan emphasises the personal nature of wellbeing, encouraging individuals to find what works for them, whether it's physical activity, connecting with loved ones, or taking moments to reflect and enjoy life.

The Power of One Thing: Highlighting the importance of starting small, Kirwan advocates for the "Do One Thing" philosophy. "Just start with one thing... and once that's in your habitual day, do another thing," he advises, emphasising the gradual buildup of positive habits and coping strategies.

Applicability to Call Centres and Contact Centres: Kirwan draws parallels between the pressures of elite sports and the challenges faced by those working in call centres. He acknowledges the unique stresses of the role, from dealing with difficult calls to managing performance expectations. Groov's mission to support employees is particularly relevant here, providing tools and strategies to help individuals manage stress, build resilience, and ultimately perform at their best.

Take a listen to the full episode here or watch on Youtube here.

To learn more about Groov’s workplace science platform - learn more here


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