5 reasons to exercise that have nothing to do with getting fit

Exercise isn’t just about physical fitness ⏤ those benefits are just the beginning.

By Dr Nic Gill, All Blacks’ Strength and Conditioning Coach / Associate Professor of Health, Sport and Human Performance at the University of Waikato

When most people think of exercise, they think of health, fitness, and weight management.

These are great reasons to workout, but they are just the beginning. 

Exercise is about so much more than moving your body. It’s great for your mind, your social life, even your energy levels.

Here are five compelling reasons to exercise that have nothing to do with getting fit. You’ll probably find these reasons far more motivating than measuring your BMI! 

1. Exercise is fun

Yep, really. Or, at least it should be fun. Think back to exercise as a little kid. Did you leap around the playground because you wanted to burn calories – or because it was awesome? 

If exercise is fun, it’s something you’ll want to do all the time. Making exercise fun is one of the best things you can do for your fitness. 

I’d suggest experimenting with different types of movement until you find something that works for you. From social sport to mountain biking to trampolining, there’s all sorts out there – there’s bound to be something that you enjoy. Of course, when we are in lockdown the options are more limited – but there are still plenty of ways to stay active you could try. 

2. Exercise gives you energy

A lot of people think exercise makes you feel tired, but it actually does the opposite. Working out boosts your feel-good hormones (endorphins), which give you a ‘natural high’ and help you to feel more confident. So, if you’re feeling exhausted, try a walk around the block – it’s often better for your energy levels than a strong coffee. 

3. Exercise can be social (even in lockdown!)

Exercise can be incredibly social – you could create a running club with your mates or join a local sports team. It’s a great way to see your friends more often and have some fun. 

Now, this isn’t possible when we are in lockdown, but there is always a way: you could try group fitness classes or a calisthenics or yoga session with a friend online. If you are part of a team, try staying in touch about your workout routines. 

4. Exercise is good for your mind

I always feel much clearer, brighter, and happier after I exercise. When my body feels good, my brain feels good – and I have a more positive outlook on life. Studies even suggest that exercise helps protect against Alzheimer’s Disease, depression and other brain-related illnesses. 

5. Exercise helps you sleep better

Finally, exercise is a great way to improve the quality of your sleep. If you move your body throughout the day, you’ll probably find it easier to fall asleep at bedtime. Your body will have earned a decent rest, so there’ll be less tossing and turning throughout the night. 

Is it time to change the way you think about exercise? 

If you find exercise a chore, maybe it’s time to look at it through a different lens. Make it fun, social, and you might just find yourself getting excited to lace up your trainers.

Forget fitness for now – focus on having a good time, and fitness will follow. 

Stopped exercising and want to get back into it? Here are some tips from Dr Nic Gill on how to restart and get moving again.

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